Disneyland Park (Anaheim) Webcam


Disneyland Park

Category:  Cities
Source:  youtube.com

Not a soul in the world has not heard of Disney, the man who brought the world of Sleeping Beauty, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and countless other tales of romance, adventure, and fun to children world wide. First built in Anaheim, California in 1955, there are now 11 Disney theme parks around the world offering tons of fun activities for both children and adults.

Brought to you by the Howard Johnson Hotel, this camera moves about the area showing you various scenes of the Park. Watch through the webcam as visitors laugh and scream on the multitude of rides throughout the park. Planning on a visit, be sure to check out this cam for the current weather conditions in the area before arriving. The camera is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The night viewing is somewhat lit up but day views are crisp and clear.

